Hide Pages

Occasionally there are situations where you may want to hide some pages from appearing in the top navigation area of your blog or in the pages widget in your sidebar. Hide from the Navigation menu The most common reason for hiding a page is you’ve set up a static front page and your theme has…Continue Reading Hide Pages

Delete Posts and Pages

The Trash feature allows you to delete items by moving them to your trash folder where you can restore it within 30 days from the time the item was trashed.   This feature is designed to make it harder to accidentally delete posts, pages and comments. After the 30 days the posts/pages in trash are automatically…Continue Reading Delete Posts and Pages


When you delete a post, page or comment from your blog it is moved to your Trash folder.  This feature is designed to make it harder to accidentally delete posts, pages and comments. You have separate trash folders for posts, pages and comments and all items in your trash folders can be restored or are…Continue Reading Trash

Featured Images

Featured images are designed to enhance the appeal of your blog’s homepage, individual posts or individual pages. Featured images are theme dependent. How featured images are used Not all themes support featured images and how the image is displayed on themes that support featured image varies. Here’s some of the different ways feature images are used on…Continue Reading Featured Images

Page Template

Some themes have additional templates that you can use to: Customize pages to specific layouts such as remove or change the location of sidebars Automatically add content to pages to create sitemaps, archives or contributor pages. Template options are listed under the Template Section of the Page Attributes module if your current theme supports additional templates. Using a…Continue Reading Page Template

Convert Blog into book or PDF

There are a number of “blog-to-book services” that you can use to convert your blog into a book or PDF.  This is handy for teachers, students, or parents who want to keep a printed portfolio, PDF, or book of the student’s work. View or print the PDF handout with the instructions to convert your blog…Continue Reading Convert Blog into book or PDF

Edublogs Pro Expiry Date

Single Edublogs Pro subscriptions are automatically renewed by PayPal or your credit card unless you cancel your subscription prior to the next payment date and provided there isn’t an issue with the bank account connected to your subscription. Check Payment Date Log into the dashboard of your Edublogs Pro site and click on the orange +Pro Account button at…Continue Reading Edublogs Pro Expiry Date

Edublogs Pro Receipt

You obtain a copy of your Edublogs Pro receipt as follows: Log into the dashboard of your Edublogs Pro site and click on the orange +Pro Account button at the upper right-hand corner of your dashboard. This takes you to your Pro account page where you can view your transaction history, email a receipt copy of your…Continue Reading Edublogs Pro Receipt

Live Shortcodes Plugin

The Live Shortcodes plugin lets you quickly add cool things to posts and pages with minimal effort by configuring and inserting shortcode. Shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that enables you to do things that normally would require lots of complicated, ugly code. To get started you need to activate the Live Shortcode plugin in Plugins > All Plugins….Continue Reading Live Shortcodes Plugin