Widget Importer & Exporter
The Widget Importer & Exporter plugin makes it easy to copy widgets from a site to a new site.
Once the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin has been activated, a new menu item will be added in Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter.

Here you will have the option to Import Widgets or to Export Widgets.

Import Widgets
You import widgets as follows:
1. Go to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter.
2. Click Choose File to select a .wie file generated by this plugin, or copy and paste the contents of your .wie file.

3. Click Import Widgets.
Once the .wie file import is complete, the Import Results will be shown, where you can choose to manage your widgets or select Go Back to take you back to the Widget Importer & Exporter screen.

Export Widgets
You export widgets as follows:
1. Go to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter.

2. Click Export Widgets and save the .wie file generated on your computer.