Convert Blog into book or PDF

There are a number of “blog-to-book services” that you can use to convert your blog into a book or PDF.  This is handy for teachers, students, or parents who want to keep a printed portfolio, PDF, or book of the student’s work.

View or print the PDF handout with the instructions to convert your blog into a book using BlogBooker. Or, scroll down to find your on-screen guide.

The alternative option is to use the Print My Blog Plugin.

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Here is how to convert your blog into a book or PDF using BlogBooker:

1.  Log into your blog dashboard.

2.  Go to Tools > Export.


3.  Click on Download Export file and save the XML (WXR) file onto your computer.

  • Make sure you select All Content.
  • If you only want to include posts/pages from a specific author or from a specific date range, then you can choose the Posts or Pages export option.
Download export file

4.  Go to BlogBooker WordPress.

5.  Click on Select your XML/ZIP export file and browse to locate the Export file you saved on your computer then add your blog URL.

It should look like below:


6. Select the To date.  Post range is 1 year for a PDF and 6 months for Word (Docx).

Select end date

7.  Select your preferred format and features (optional).

Blogbooker features

8.  Once you have everything configured the way you want it, click on Create your BlogBook button.

Blogbooker features

9.  Once it completes the creation process you are taken to a page where you can download your PDF or Word doc.