You can control who can read a post or the location of where a post is displayed using the Visibility option in the post/page editor.

Public means the post is visible to anyone.

Using the Visibility options you can:

  1. Stick a post to the front page – The post will be stuck to the top of the blog’s front page.  This is handy for notifying students of important dates and provide assignment information or share important information with parents.
  2. Password Protect a Post –  The post is protected with a password you set. Any reader that has the password can view a protected post.
  3. Make a post private – Posts marked as private are only visible to users who are logged into their account; and have been assigned the role of Editors and Administrators.  Logged out users don’t see private posts.

The visibility options are located under Status & Visibility if you are using the block editor.

visibility options in block editor

You click on Public link next to Visibility to make the post/page the private or password protect options.

The visibility options are located on the Publish module if you are using the classic editor.

post visibility in publish module

For information refer to the following support documentation:

  1. Stick a Post to the Front Page using Sticky Posts.
  2. Password protect posts and pages.