You can easily share your posts on several social media networks automatically when you publish a new post using the Publicize module in the Jetpack plugin.

Set up Auto-post

Once you’ve activated the Jetpack plugin you connect your blog to your social network profiles as follows:

1.  Go to Jetpack > Settings

Jetpack Settings page

2.  Click on Sharing tab.

Sharing Tab

3. Toggle on the switch next to ‘Automatically share your posts to social networks‘.

4. Click on Connect your social media accounts.

5. This redirects to your sharing page where you click the “Connect” button next to the service you want to auto-post each new post to.

Twitter is no longer supported on Jetpack.

6.  Log in to the social network and authorize the connection.


7.  Once authorized it will redirect back to to the sharing page where you can select if you want to “Make this connection available to all users of the blog”.

8.  Repeat the process until you’ve connected all services you want to auto post to.

Use Auto-post

Once you’ve connected any of your social networks you’ll see a Publicize section under the Jetpack icon on the block editor

Jetpack sharing options in the block editor

or on the Publish module in the classic editor.

Publize option in the Classic Editor

When you publish a new post using Posts > Add New you will see the post automatically appear on the services you enabled.

To opt out of a social network for a specific post you need to unselect any services you don’t want to auto post to.

In the block editor you toggle the social network to the off position.

Unselect sharing

In classic editor you click on Edit underneath Publicize, unselect the social network and click OK.

Change publicize options

Images in Auto-post

When you auto-post to Facebook and Twitter the images need to be at least 200 x 200 pixels to be included.  The image is selected in the following order:

  1. Featured image.
  2. An image attached and inserted into the post
  3. Any other image in the post.

Tumblr displays an image if the image is embedded within the first 256 characters of the post or you have used the Image Post format for your post.


  • You can’t auto post Pages (Pages > Add New)
  • A post is only auto-posted the first time it is published.  You can’t republish a post to trigger a new auto-post.
  • Only administrators, editors and author user roles see the Publicize section and can use auto post.