Adjust your date and time settings

Your General settings page controls the date and time displayed on all posts and comments. The default timezone settings on all newly created sites is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) which is in London, UK.  All posts and comments are automatically time stamped as UTC time unless you change your timezone. You change your date and time settings…Continue Reading Adjust your date and time settings

Change admin email address

The email address in Settings > General is where all comment moderation emails are sent.   Comment notification emails and password reset emails are sent to the email address attached to your username and you change this email address in Users > My Profile or (Profile > My Profile).  For more information, refer to changing…Continue Reading Change admin email address

Media Settings

The Media Settings controls how your media is displayed. You can change these settings at any time by going to Settings > Media, make your desired changes and then click Save Changes. Image Sizes Your site automatically resizes your images to three different sizes: thumbnail; medium and large.   Most people keep these as per the default settings….Continue Reading Media Settings

Reading Settings

The Reading Settings controls how your site displays to visitors and your RSS feed options. You can change these settings at any time by going to Settings > Reading, make your desired changes and then click Save Changes. Below is an overview on each Reading Setting: Front page displays The front page display setting allows you to choose…Continue Reading Reading Settings

Writing Settings

The Writing Settings is where you control your writing experience. You can change these settings at any time by going to Settings > Writing, make your desired changes and then click Save Changes. Below is an overview on each Writing Setting: Formatting There are two formatting options: Controls if WordPress converts emoticons to graphics.  By default,…Continue Reading Writing Settings

General Settings

The General Settings is where you configure the broad settings of your site including change your site title, tagline, site admin email address, time zone, date/time format and language. You can change these settings at any time by going to Settings > General, make your desired changes and then click Save Changes. Below is an overview on…Continue Reading General Settings

Settings Overview

The Settings menu inside your dashboard is where you configure how your site works. General Settings > General is where you configure the broad settings of your site including your site’s title and tagline, site admin email address, how you want date and time displayed and your time zone. Learn more about your site’s general settings…Continue Reading Settings Overview

Change Student blog privacy

Blog privacy controls who can and can’t view your blog. You control the privacy of all your student blogs using My Class > Settings.  Learn more about My Class here. Using My Class You set your preferred privacy option when you set up My Class as follows: 1.  Go to My Class > Create a Class. 2.  Select ‘This…Continue Reading Change Student blog privacy